Trudeau thinks he can hide from the honks forever...
He can't if there's a bounty on his head
The purpose of the website is to crowdfund the funds to pay anyone who can find the
whereabouts of Canadian Prime Minister (and blackfaced pussy) Justin Trudeau
On our website, you can donate to the bounty on Trudeau's head. The money will be awarded as prize money
to anyone who can find Justin Trudeau's current location (we'll keep 2% but don't tell anyone pls)
If you happen to find Trudeau, you can click here to claim all the prize money in the pot
If we weaponize our autism enough, we can make it impossible for Justin to ever
live a peaceful life again without lifting statist mandates
He will never escape the honks!

(Idea roughly inspired by Jim Bell's 1995 essay "Assassination Politics")